Thursday, September 28, 2006


Watching some more of the UK version of the Office. So funny, and so non-PC. I don't really watch the American version yet. I'm sure it's good, but I wanted to watch the original first. I'm guessing even with the same writers that it can't be as offensive due to our censors... a lot of the jokes just wouldn't fly in our country (at least on network tv).
After watching a few episodes of both the US one and the UK one, I have to say I prefer theirs. A lot of the same situations get adapted and I'm guessing that will continue throughout the season, but I think the UK one has a little more edge.
Anyway, quite excellent if you like the English brand of humor... it's just obnoxious. Not for everyone, but if you like witty, dry humor, check it out.

And ya, I may have turned into an Anglophile the last few years. IF I hadn't been a fan of Red Dwarf in the past, I might wonder if it's all a recent thing.


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