Very good book. I think it can be a good movie too. As fantasy novels go, I think it was just good enough, but not so overly complex, that it could be a good film. A lot of what I consider high fantasy, for example the Riftwar Saga, the Wheel of Time, or a Song of Fire and Ice, or even the Dark Tower series by King, is just too deep to make into a good popcorn movie that Joe and Jane Moviegoer are going to enjoy. Eragon like Harry Potter, can be made into a movie. The chronicles of Thomas Covenant... umm, no way.
I look forward to this one. I may be hoping for too much from it, but until I'm proven wrong, I'm going to keep hoping.
I look forward to this one. I may be hoping for too much from it, but until I'm proven wrong, I'm going to keep hoping.
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