Monday, October 22, 2007

cheap blog

Kinda like a cheap date...

I liked this video so I'm posting it as my entry for today since I don't have time to write more:

How your cat wakes you up

Other things going on this week:

Merfolk are back, and Magic: the Gathering returns to my geeklist of hobbies. Sweet!

My boys had awesome halloween pictures today, and as usual, my wife is amazing.

hockey whinge of the week: damnit, put my guys on IR earlier know the guy can't play, why do you insist on hosing me? Out to get the back-to-back champ, that's what it is...which one of them's paying you?

Monday, October 08, 2007

well look at the time...

damn, I guess I'm not much of a serious blogger right now eh? Yikes, over a month without a post.

Life's been busy. Work, family, more work, more family.

Watching: Heroes, Prison Break, Jourenyman, High Stakes Poker, WSOP

Reading: Neuromancer, new Terry Brooks Shannara

Celebrating: 12 years married last week. Pretty amazing, every moment is priceless and I continue to be lucky beyond belief that she puts up with me.

Fun stuff: Car is still super awesome. Got myself a poker table and her a Nano for the anniversary. Vin de Set is an absolutely amazing restaurant. Best atmosphere in St. Louis on a nice night. Just wow.

time to sleep -- cheers all
