so here it is...why not more posts?
Honestly, i think of something funny or interesting to talk about every day, and if I made time, I could at least blog about it every few days. Do I have the discipline or determination to keep it up regularly? Obviously not. The other thing however is that whole privacy thing. It creeps me out a bit to think my thoughts could be quoted back to me or psychoanalyzed by others years later once I toss them out into the net-a-sphere. Sure, on the message boards I'm on I say stupid stuff too left and right, and no one is truly anonymous on the Web, only fools believe that, but in general, it's semi-anonymous. This blog however...well, it can and will get searched by professionals looking into my background, or friends and/or enemies in my personal life.
Maybe I'm just a bit too open, or trusting, or plain-spoken to have a blog in that respect. I mean, if you know me, and many of you do, I will tell you my views on religion, and politics and all kinds of incendiary stuff, cause I trust you to know that I see both sides of the argument most of the time. I realize when I'm saying capital punishment needs to be way easier in our system that that could be ME, or my kids, someday who are not getting the second strike, or that when I'm a victim somehow I may feel differently and not want that eye for an eye so much. Maybe, who knows, you don't know until you're there. As an aside to that particular argument, yes I'm aware that while I think we as a human race have zero need for keeping the monsters amongst us (violent crimes, premeditated ones), I am fully aware that when send Bob to the chair, he has a family somewhere, a mom who will forgive him and not want him executed, no matter how heinous the crime. Etc etc... I know there are two, three, nay hundreds of sides to every argument.
Still, I will spout off about anything anyway. I will argue with you all day long that the american league system is lame and the national league has it right, the pitcher should have to hit, the rules should apply all the way around, do they let the catcher only have to get 3 bases to score a run since that guy's usually not fleet of foot? No. The DH is stupid. Now, would I feel differently if I was born in Boston and grown up watching the AL? Yeah, probably. Like most arguments, there are no facts, this is just opinion. I like the Blues, my deluded friend John likes the Red Wings. We haven't won our Cup yet, they went and bought 3 already. That's how it goes. If the internet teaches us anything, we should realize arguments are silly and rarely have a lot to do with fact. You cannot convince people of much, all you can do is let them see your viewpoint, and maybe tip their hat to it before they disagree. With web forums being so frequently a slow non-interactive conversation (compared to a chat with long-winded arguments back and forth, i.e. no rapid fire exchanges) we all should get it. The web is about people who like to talk and hear themselves do it. I'm not different than most of you in that respect. Do you really care what I think, reader? Unlikely. Maybe I spark a thought in your head and it changes how your day goes. That'd be good. I like sparks. If not, well, fine, ignore me. As I said above when I started this, I'm not posting something here every day anyway.
Awesome link for the day: Tron 2 bootleg trailer
Maybe I'm just a bit too open, or trusting, or plain-spoken to have a blog in that respect. I mean, if you know me, and many of you do, I will tell you my views on religion, and politics and all kinds of incendiary stuff, cause I trust you to know that I see both sides of the argument most of the time. I realize when I'm saying capital punishment needs to be way easier in our system that that could be ME, or my kids, someday who are not getting the second strike, or that when I'm a victim somehow I may feel differently and not want that eye for an eye so much. Maybe, who knows, you don't know until you're there. As an aside to that particular argument, yes I'm aware that while I think we as a human race have zero need for keeping the monsters amongst us (violent crimes, premeditated ones), I am fully aware that when send Bob to the chair, he has a family somewhere, a mom who will forgive him and not want him executed, no matter how heinous the crime. Etc etc... I know there are two, three, nay hundreds of sides to every argument.
Still, I will spout off about anything anyway. I will argue with you all day long that the american league system is lame and the national league has it right, the pitcher should have to hit, the rules should apply all the way around, do they let the catcher only have to get 3 bases to score a run since that guy's usually not fleet of foot? No. The DH is stupid. Now, would I feel differently if I was born in Boston and grown up watching the AL? Yeah, probably. Like most arguments, there are no facts, this is just opinion. I like the Blues, my deluded friend John likes the Red Wings. We haven't won our Cup yet, they went and bought 3 already. That's how it goes. If the internet teaches us anything, we should realize arguments are silly and rarely have a lot to do with fact. You cannot convince people of much, all you can do is let them see your viewpoint, and maybe tip their hat to it before they disagree. With web forums being so frequently a slow non-interactive conversation (compared to a chat with long-winded arguments back and forth, i.e. no rapid fire exchanges) we all should get it. The web is about people who like to talk and hear themselves do it. I'm not different than most of you in that respect. Do you really care what I think, reader? Unlikely. Maybe I spark a thought in your head and it changes how your day goes. That'd be good. I like sparks. If not, well, fine, ignore me. As I said above when I started this, I'm not posting something here every day anyway.
Awesome link for the day: Tron 2 bootleg trailer