Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Serious fish

We'll see how lucky we get..going fishing soon. This wouldn't be a bad catch. A real monster like this would just about be insane...

Pike get to about 20" long at 3 years... they can live to be 25 years old. A 5-8 year old fish is going to be 30"+ and get into the 7-8 lb range. A guy I talked to at my local store caught one that was 46" long, which should be about 30 pounds.
Really, I just hope to catch a lot of "little" ones . If we get lucky and each catch at least one nice one, it'll be the trip of a lifetime. Biggest thing I've ever caught was about a 4 lb bass. Longest fish was a chain pickerel of almost 21". I am quite ready to improve those records.

Oh, there's walleye there too, so we'll be catching a bit of both. Maybe even a trout.

But let's be real. It's all about the big pike.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Grats to Growing Moss on a baby boy! June 1, I am finding out a little late but this is awesome news nonetheless.

slick moves, another youtube link

This kid Bryan Gaynor's got serious skillz (from So You Think you can Dance)

You know, the more ubiquitous youtube (this one is a youtube link embedded in another site) is you wonder why no one else thought of the concept first. Not just the technical ability to stream the videos, but the wisdom to realize you make the perfect sharing portal with just the public bulletin board/forum idea. Generate revenue by ads etc, but ($$$ sound) definitely sell the concept at that point before the issues of copyright drag down the market's enthusiasm.

It's a common space, for video...we had a common space for auctions years before (a large successful one, there were lots of smaller ones before the big E came along) and surely there is or should be a common space for putting art (think of an art gallery you can stroll through virtually where people can just add things and it goes into the correct area by theme/style) or just for decorating and advertising your personal profile(the equally ubiquitous big M).

Oh well, conceptually they aren't hard to come up with I guess, the real hard part is the technical research and implementation and then finding the investors. Server space and security aren't cheap. Sometimes I wonder if I ever want to strike out and go entrepreneur someday or if the standard ladder-climbing rat-race will be enough. Hard to say. At this point I'm reasonably happy doing what I do and I like my job. In 10 years, life will have brought new challenges and we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

I babble...check out the clip. good stuff. Here's another if you want to see some uncommonly good singing.

Friday, June 08, 2007


I liked this bud lite commercial. I would guess it was internal-only and never aired due to suggestive language (so maybe not safe for work)

